Dystopia: A Live Conversation with Patricia McManus. (Online and In Person. 28th February 2023)
January 28, 2023
Marx and Poetics: A Live Conversation with Keston Sutherland (Online and In Person. 11th April 2023)
March 7, 2023

The Radical Feminism of Shulamith Firestone: A Live Interview with Victoria Margree (Online and In Person. 21th March 2023)


When Shulamith Firestone’s The Dialectic of Sex was published in 1970 it caused controversy. Arguing that the oppression of women lay in women’s biological capacity to reproduce, Firestone saw nature as a central barrier to woman’s liberation. Her solution was a fundamental transformation of nature itself, through the creation of artificial wombs, to free women’s bodies from the process of reproduction. Integrating the work of Marx, Freud, De Beauvoir and Engels, Firestone created a radical vision of gender liberation and utopian cybernetic feminism. Alongside influencing feminism, The Dialectic of Sex was also influential on Science Fiction literature, especially Marge Piercy’s 1976 novel, Woman on the Edge of Time.

In this session, Bradley Tuck is joined by Victoria Margree, Principle Lecturer at the University of Brighton and Author of Neglected or Misunderstood: The Radical Feminism of Shulamith Firestone. In her book, Margree argues for the continued importance of Firestone’s work. In this session we will discuss her book and Firestone’s, exploring its pertinence today.

This session will take place both online via Zoom and in person at The Southern Belle, Brighton, UK. The Artists Residence can be found on 3 Waterloo Street, Hove, BN3 1AQ. Join us in Venue from 7pm and online from 7:30pm (UK time). To book a free place in the venue, click here. For any questions, please message me at explodingappendix@gmail.com

This session will be run as part of the Exploding Appendix Avant-garde Art Practice and Research Group’s meetup which happens every three weeks. The sessions are free and open to everyone. For our upcoming sessions from January to June, see here.

The online session will also take place via Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88379693513?pwd=eEpoN0lFWEo1emw3MUFMRGZkRE11UT09). The meeting ID is 883 7969 3513.  The passcode is “517501”.

This session will be run by Bradley Tuck and take place on Tuesday the 21st March 2023 from 19:00 – 22:00 (UK time). If you have any questions, please message me at explodingappendix@gmail.com