The Bradley Show Live: ‘How to make a Manifesto’ w/ Special guests Veronica Teo (eVulve Sex Shop) and Nick Hudson (The Academy of Sun) (Online and in Venue interactive session ―  14th September 2021)
September 10, 2021
The Bradley Show. Episode 5: Introduction to Exploding Appendix (VIDEO DIARY #1)
October 21, 2021

Podcast 29: Like Ho Chi Minh! Like Che Guevara! The Revolutionary Left in Ethiopia w/ Ian Scott Horst

In this episode, we are joined by lifelong revolutionary activist and writer, Ian Scott Horst to discuss his recent book, Like Ho Chi Minh! Like Che Guevara! The Revolutionary Left in Ethiopia (1969-1979). This book tells the story of the 1974 popular revolution of Ethiopia, exploring how events such as the American Civil Rights movement, the fight against imperialism in the Vietnam war, and figures such as Ho Chi Minh, Che Guevara, V. I. Lenin and Mao Zedong inspired Ethiopian revolutionaries. We will discuss both the hopes of a revolution as well as the “story of tragedy and betrayal as a revolutionary generation saw its dream of people’s power crushed by a left-talking military and the machinations of global superpowers.” (Horsh). To get the book click here. To listen to the podcast on 1968 in Japan (mentioned in the podcast) click here.
This was recorded as part of the Exploding Appendix Avant-garde Art Practice and Research Group, who meet fortnightly to explore art , culture and ideas. The sessions take place on Zoom (and sometimes in person too). The events are free and open. If you are interested in being involved in future events message me explodingappendix [at] or check out our website at The Exploding Appendix Avant-Garde Art and Research Group + Related Events – Exploding Appendix