“I’ve never encountered anyone whose work has so much anxiety around sensual erotic pleasure as yours does, because every time there’s anything in a performance you do or a film that you do that has sensuality in it, it is always tied to something being disrupted, something devolving into chaos, addiction, exclusion, people being trapped like heroin addicts. It never seems like it celebrates desire and eroticism, it seems like it is always playing with anxieties about eroticism.”
Greg Scorzo interviewing Bradley Tuck
This session is inspired by a comment made in an interview which drew out a connection between eroticism and anxiety in Bradley Tuck’s film and performance work. In this session Bradley will bring together a multimedia screening and performance event in collaboration with other connected to the Exploding Appendix project. In this context, eroticism will be understood in a broad and amorphous sense. This may include sexuality, but also embodiment, sensuality, joy, anticipation, desire and intense physical experiences. Likewise we will think through what it means to feel anxiety in the broadest sense, and contemplate how anxiety and eroticism might overlap. The session will start with a screening followed by discussion afterwards. This event may include some challenging themes and art works.
Contributing collaborators to be announced nearer the time.
This session will be run as part of the Exploding Appendix Avant-garde Art Practice and Research Group’s meetup every three weeks. The sessions are free and open to everyone.
This session will take place both online via Zoom and in person at The Artist Residence, Brighton, UK. The Artists Residence can be found on 33 Regency Square, Brighton, BN1 2GG. Join us in Venue from 7pm and online from 730pm. To book a free place in the venue, click here. For any questions please message me at explodingappendix@gmail.com
The online session will take place via Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87909896201?pwd=NHBCUnQ0VUtmajdma2RCeVlMZnJQUT09). The meeting ID is .879 0989 6201 The passcode is “332945“.
This session will be run by Bradley Tuck and take place on the 3rd May 2022 from 19:30 – 22:30 (UK time). If you have any questions please message me at explodingappendix@gmail.com
To follow the event on Facebook click here.