Marxism and Cultural Revolution: A Live Conversation with Shalon van Tine and Doug Enaa Greene (Interactive Group Video Session – 9th March 2021)
February 12, 2021‘In the Beginning a Word • Alfred Jarry and ‘Pataphysics’ with Marc Muir (Interactive Group Video Session – 6th April 2021)
February 14, 2021

…there is a trade union version of entryism also being practised. And I think where C.L.R. James even turns away from that, and also turns away from Trotskyism and Leninism, is that he truly does something that we are trying to name our podcast after, which is this thing where he faces the autonomy of the working class. He recognises that the working class, they express themselves autonomously, they express themselves on their own, in self-manifested groups, and they don’t need a party bureaucracy, they don’t need a union bureaucracy and, in fact, a lot of those old left formations do a lot to suppress the free and unsuppressed and autonomous expression of working class politics.
The Facing Autonomy collective take their name from both the 1956 book Facing Reality, co-authored by, amongst others, C.L.R. James and Cornelius Castoriadis, which brought together anarchistic ideas of organisation with Marxist theory, and Italian Autonomist Marxism, which emphasised the political strategy of workers self organisation independently of unions and party bureaucracy. In this session we will be joined by Facing Autonomy to explore worker self-organisation, especially in relationship to C.L.R. James, Italian Autonomist Marxism, Left Communism and Anarchism, and to explore what it might mean to us today.
This session will be run as part of the Exploding Appendix Avant-garde Art Practice and Research Group’s fortnightly meetup, which will be taking place online via Zoom ( The meeting ID is 731 769 8673. The passcode is “go“. This session will be run by Bradley Tuck and take place on the 23rd March 2021 from 19:30 – 22:30 (GMT UK time). If you would like to join us for the session, or have any questions please message me at
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